Teltron Triode D

Teltron Triode D, 1000647 [U19151], 텔트론®
Teltron Triode D, 1000647 [U19151], 텔트론®

High-vacuum electron tube with thermionic cathode and control grid for demonstrating the thermoelectric effect (Edison effect). Use the tube to investigate the practical applications of a triode as an amplifier and generating undamped oscillations in LC circuits. Also investigate the characteristics of triodes and let students discover the negative electron charge polarity.

Max. heater voltage: 7.5 V AC/DC
Max. anode voltage: 500 V
Anode current: approx. 2 mA at 200 V (Anode)
품번: 1000647 [U19151]
무게 0.248 kg
치수 35.1 x 29.2 x 23.1 cm
브랜드 3B Scientific Teltron

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