Inverting Spectacles

Inverting Spectacles, 1000895 [U8476730], 프리즘
Inverting Spectacles, 1000895 [U8476730], 프리즘
Inverting Spectacles Complete with two fully rotating inverting prisms in a shielded spectacle frame. The inverting prisms produce a lateral inversion of the rays – the world thus turns "upside down". Besides being a lucid demonstration of the functioning of an inverting prism, experiments involving inverting spectacles encourage a better understanding of the visual process and the functioning of the brain. This also enables a better understanding of the visual perception of babies. Even the apparently simplest things in life (holding and picking up objects, drawing, orientating oneself in a room) become inconceivably difficult. Experiments: Demonstration of the path of rays through an inverting prism Drawing and writing Seeing, picking up and balancing objects Throwing and catching a ball Pouring water
품번: 1000895 [U8476730]
무게 0.45 kg
브랜드 3B Scientific

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